
Meal Plans for nutritional optimisation & chronic conditions

Browse the multitude of meal plans for chronic conditions and find the right one for you. 

Every single meal plan/guide offers a detailed list of intense and comprehensive nutrition information, divided into BOTH: by day and by meal. Perfect if you track your calorie, carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamin, mineral, and other nutrient intakes.

Improve your iron levels for better energy, stronger immunity, and enjoy delicious plant-based meals while doing so. Also includes high amounts of protein meals to support your workouts. Includes:

– 30 days of meals (3/day) + snacks (2/day)

– detailed grocery list

– shopping tips/guide

– explanation of specific nutrients in this meal program & why they are beneficial 

– macro & micronutrient list by DAY and MEAL

*if you consume animal products, add it as a side, or a “topping”; this will also add additional protein

Coming Soon!



14 day vegan high protein meal plan

This program was designed for vegan eaters with higher protein needs. It provides 100 to 113 grams of plant protein per day. Meals are high in healthy fats and fiber for blood sugar management.


– 14 days of meals (3/day) + snacks (2/day)

– detailed grocery list

– shopping tips/guide

– explanation of specific nutrients in this meal program & why they are beneficial 

– macro & micronutrient list by DAY and MEAL

30 Day Plant-Based Bone Health Support Program

This program is high in key nutrients that support bone health including calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, and vitamin A, all from plant-based sources. Meals are fun, colorful, and nutrient-dense. 


– 30 days of meals (3/day) + snacks (2/day)

– detailed grocery list

– shopping tips/guide

– explanation of specific nutrients in this meal program & why they are beneficial 

– macro & micronutrient list by DAY and MEAL

Pro-tip: Dried plums (aka prunes) have been shown to increase bone mineral density. Multiple studies have shown a link between dried plum consumption and increases in bone mineral density. Add them as an on-the-go snack to get the bone enhancing benefits!

coming soon

coming soon



coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

coming soon

take control of your nutritional wellness