Your “core” is not just your abdominal muscles… your core also consists of the muscles in your back. When you think “core”, think “apple core”. There’s no front or back, just a middle – like us and our core!

Exercising your back muscles are just as important as exercising your front muscles so we can all have a strong core. To engage “the core”, get into a lunge. Lean your chest forwards so your nose hovers over your toes as you straighten your back leg. Then, reach your arms out and up so they are reaching for the wall in front of you (think ears between biceps). Then, engage! Pull your belly in (firm up), and feel you upper back muscles turn on as you hold your arms steady (and your front leg gets a burn as a bonus!).

Keep this engagement in your core with any exercise you do. Not only will it skyrocket you into toned-ab-heaven, but it will also keep your spine safe as you move through your workouts