Fructose is not the poison we think it is. All of the studies that claim fructose will kill you and your children is based on consuming 60% of daily calories from fructose. In reality, people in the United States only consume 8-9% of their daily calories from fructose (if consuming too many sodas or juices, it is possible to MAYBE get 60% of calories from fructose in a day).

When studies decided to change pace and look at practical levels of fructose consumption compared to sucrose consumption, they saw that fructose had less of an effect on blood glucose and insulin response than sucrose. When they added daily exercises to the study, they saw a decrease in triglycerides (type of fat) in the fructose group!

Other studies reported no BMI association with fructose consumption. Also, fructose in the pure form has a glycemic index of 19… it’s a low glycemic food! 

Part of the reason fructose has a bad reputation is because fructose is almost always in foods that contain an equal amount of glucose (to balance the flavour of foods), which also causes that spike in blood glucose. Also, fructose is sometimes associated with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) – which is a mix of fructose and glucose together to make a sweetener.

Now, agave nectar is interesting. If you’ve ever tried it, it’s super sweet! And that’s because it’s at least 70% fructose (if not more). When researchers looked at agave nectar consumption compared to sucrose, they found lower blood glucose and insulin levels than compared to sucrose. And, in humans, blood glucose responses were flat when consuming agave, and insulin response was low when compared to sucrose.


I know a lot of people are worried about added sugars, as well as HFCS consumption. In reality, excess sugar consumption (in any form) has negative health effects on overall health.

PS: Here are some bonus specs on HFCS:

HFCS is composed of 76% carbohydrates and 24% water, containing no fat, no protein, and no essential nutrients in significant amounts. In a 100 gram serving, it supplies 281 calories, while in one tablespoon of 19 grams, it supplies 53 calories.